Leadership workshops
Explore, discover and experiment with new ways to lead, decide, create and share
Are there gaps in your teams’ knowledge or skill set? Are there things that they’ve never been taught, or formally supported in learning, or they are just winging it - often to a reasonable standard, but the organisation needs them to be better?
When specific leadership skills or knowledge are missing, coaching isn’t going to be the answer. So I offer Leadership Workshops both to support Team Coaching engagements , and as standalone solutions. Workshops offer critical leadership support which is centered around a specific skill set, using robust embodied-learning methodology, and with the team as a group learning set.
Workshops for teams who want to explore and improve
These are just some of the workshops we have designed and run in recent months:
Improve your team’s ability to deliver and to receive high quality developmental feedback and challenge that is useful, actionable, and motivating
Build trusting and caring relationships with high psychological safety. A foundation stone of every high performing team
A facilitated approach to identifying team or organisational values, and defining the behaviours that show these values in action
Who are the teams' most critical stakeholders? How robust are relationships with them? What would they say about you? An exploration of how the team is perceived in its wider eco-system
A highly experiential session learning new ways of discussing, deciding, creating and leading. Come away with new ways of working to put into practice right away.
“Fi did a fantastic job. It's incredibly difficult to make this sort of internal workshop fun and engaging. Her approach resonated with our team at large and (from feedback) people came away feeling closer to our business.”
— Dave Darke | Operations Director | Atomic Smash, Bristol
Curious about leadership workshops?
Let’s talk
If you’re a senior team leader, or responsible for supporting leadership teams, and are seeking facilitation or training, then let’s talk.
Get in touch with me for a confidential, no-commitment conversation.
“If you sit Fi in a room with others and say ‘get that team to do good work’, she absolutely will. That’s her superpower’.”
— James Ray | CEO | Armadillo, Bristol